Université Internationale de Casablanca (Casablanca International University): A member of the largest global network of private universities, UIC is a prestigious institution of major importance for Africa


uni casaCASABLANCA, Morocco, July 13, 2016/ — Université Internationale de Casablanca (UIC) opened in September 2010 as a state-accredited private university belonging to Laureate International Universities, the largest global network of private universities. With institutions in more than 28 countries, Laureate International Universities has a community of a million students attending 80 universities across five continents.

This international footprint affords UIC a firm African dimension, as King Mohammed VI originally envisaged.

Helping educate an African elite

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UIC is a highly prestigious and well-established Moroccan university offering teaching that meets the demands of the world’s largest establishments. It places Morocco on the map for knowledge transfer and support for the development of the continent’s younger generations, with a view to enhancing South-South cooperation.

Designed for the real world and committed to preparing its graduates for employment and successful careers, UIC actively contributes to providing qualified human resources to ensure economic growth in Morocco and Africa as a whole.

This commitment is borne out by its teaching staff which comprises internationally recognised members, joint degrees, exchange programmes, pedagogical support from Laureate’s centres of excellence, and a portfolio of more than 35 degree courses in the fast-growing areas of engineering, health sciences, business, law, design, and hospitality and tourism management.

Students at the heart of UIC’s pedagogical model

UIC also places its students at the heart of its thinking. It allows its students to take degree courses adapted to Africa’s social and economic requirements, while always maintaining the right balance between theoretical and practical teaching.

As soon as they enter UIC, students are introduced to the realities of the work place and benefit from personal tutoring as well as cutting-edge facilities and laboratories. UIC offers Global Classes, joint videoconferencing courses involving several Laureate institutions, as well as collaborative projects.

In addition, English language studies are certified by the University of Cambridge at level B1, while Spanish is taught in conjunction with the Instituto Cervantes. UIC students also have the privilege of competing in numerous international contests (including Shark Tank and leadership contests) and taking part in renowned international conferences (such as the World Business Forum and Innovation Forum).

UIC students can also use a digital course library offering all the courses already taught and a multitude of practical cases. There is also a virtual library and a fully connected campus.

A campus meeting international standards

The UIC campus lies in the middle of a 10-hectare park at the entrance to Casa Green Town, an environmentally friendly new town. It is the result of collaboration between Moroccan architects and international architecture firms. The entire campus was designed to meet the strictest international standards.

The campus comprises a number of spaces that boast facilities of the highest level, including teaching buildings, a library, administration offices, sports grounds, green areas and a university restaurant.

As well as meeting the highest standards, the UIC campus provides its students with a living and studying environment that is exceptional in Africa. The student residence provides single and double rooms that are both comfortable and modern.

Distinguished guests and global events

UIC regularly organises top-level meetings and debates for its students which attract nationally or internationally distinguished guests. Since it opened, UIC has welcomed Christine Lagarde, William Jefferson Clinton, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and André Azoulay.

This commitment of bringing students face to face with world leaders reflects UIC’s international positioning, where its membership of the Laureate network offers grants providing its students invaluable exposure in a globalised professional context. Students can enjoy all the benefits of living abroad by taking part of their course at another of the network’s 80 institutions, eventually obtaining a joint degree.

Distributed by APO on behalf of Université Internationale de Casablanca.

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Université Internationale de Casablanca