Turkey wants Nigeria to close 17 schools in coup clampdown


turkeyWhen the attempted coup in Turkey unfolded, Nigerians debated the issue vigorously on social media, mostly condemning it.

And yesterday, the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs visited the Turkish ambassador in Nigeria to show their support for democracy in Turkey.

Addressing the MPs, Ambassador Hakan Cakil called on the Nigerian government to close down 17 Turkish schools in the country. 

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They were linked, he said, to the alleged mastermind of the coup plot, Fethullah Gulen.

Mr Cakil said he had sent a letter to that effect to Nigeria’s minister of foreign affairs.

Closing these schools may be difficult because of the impact it will have on students.

But Turkey is very influential in Nigeria and other parts of Africa.

The deputy chairman of the committee, Shehu Sani, told the BBC that given the allegations the ambassador made – that the schools were used to “train terrorists” – Nigeria must investigate the matter before taking any action.

As for the government, it has yet to comment. Cullen from the bbc.