Rael named ‘Commander of the African Order of Valor’ for Peace Actions


raelABIDJAN, Ivory Coast, July 29, 2016/ — According to a statement released today by the International Raelian Movement (www.RaelPress.org), the movement’s founder and spiritual leader, Rael, has been awarded the “Golden Elephant Super Prize” by the Pan African Organization of Francophone Youth in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The distinction marks the 8th time the prize, awarded annually, has been conferred.

“The Golden Elephant Super Prize rewards the person considered the best agent for development,’” said Ya Boni, Raelian Guide and national leader of the Raelian Movement in Ivory Coast. “In this case, it was awarded to Rael for his dedication to the cause of world peace and the welfare of humanity.”

Boni, who accepted the award on Rael’s behalf, explained that the “One Minute for Peace Meditation Campaign launched by Rael is very popular in the Ivory Coast. Several of the country’s administrative authorities, including Minister Adama Coulibaly, were present at the award ceremony.”

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“The peace meditation campaign is popular worldwide as well,” Boni said.

“But there are multiple actions he launched that specifically focus on the well being of the African people. They include the promotion of United Kingdoms of Kama (the pre-colonial name used for the African continent by its indigenous inhabitants); decolonization of cultures and cults, and rehabilitation of traditional chiefdoms.”

Boni said the initiatives launched by Rael have inspired many African politicians.

“Rael’s ‘Back to Kama’ initiative, which urges the descendants of those sold into slavery to return and assist African development, has gained momentum,” Boni said. “It has brought in a lot of capital for the development of our economy.”

He added that Rael has also done much to help African woman, especially by creating Clitoraid, an organization that helps repair the excised clitorises of female genital mutilation [FGM] victims for no charge.

“He shook up the establishment and enabled affected women to assert their femininity, integrity, and right to pleasure,” Boni said. “During his visits here, Rael has repeatedly stated that humanity’s survival is linked to the development of Africa and the empowerment of African women. This award recognizes his actions on behalf of Africa and all humanity. Each action inspired by Rael and carried out by the Raelian Movement in Kama inspires Kamite youth to work toward a future of abundance and peace.”

Distributed by APO on behalf of International Raelian Movement (IRM).

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Media contact:
Ditalamane Hebie

International Raelian Movement (IRM)