Oil: Equatorial Guinea’s Minister of Energy to make major announcement during live webcast on Monday, June 6 at 14:25 GMT


guineaCAPE TOWN, South Africa, May 31, 2016/ — Equatorial Guinea’s Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy (http://MMIE.gob.gq), H.E. the Minister, Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima will make a major announcement during a press conference on Monday, June 6 at 14:25 GMT webcast live from the Africa Oil & Power conference (www.AfricaOilandPower.com) in Cape Town, South Africa.

Journalists will be able to ATTEND LIVE VIA THE INTERNET.

Who:  Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, Equatorial Guinea’s Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy (http://MMIE.gob.gq)

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When: Monday June 6 at 14:25 GMT (Time converter: http://www.apo.af/kQYV8F)

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Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy Equatorial Guinea.

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+41 22 534 96 97

Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy Equatorial Guinea