PARIS, France, February 17, 2017/ — Sciences Po Executive Education (
Sciences Po Executive Education is seeking for 30 participants reflexive of the excellence and socio-professional diversity of leaders in Africa to take part in the second LeAD Campus course. Entrepreneurs, managers at multinationals/SMEs, social business pioneers, and public-sector and association managers will join together to develop a vision and projects for Africa’s future.
The inaugural course of the LeAD Campus – Global Leaders for Africa’s Development programme drew a close in September 2016. Twenty-five African executives were awarded certificates in Paris and three excellence awards were presented for female entrepreneurship, the best entrepreneur and the most sustainable project, respectively.
The role of the private sector in economic and sustainable development is a central focus of the curriculum, which seeks to build bridges between government and the business world. A wide range of companies and institutions – including Danone, Total, L’Oréal, UNICEF, Saint Gobain and Egon Zehnder – support the programme by providing guidance, taking part in a mentorship system and sponsoring presentations by their experts.
The certificate, designed specifically for working professionals, comprises three one-week classroom modules in Cape Town, Dakar and Paris, alongside digital distance learning and a mentorship system.
“We are currently seeking for 30 experienced participants from across Africa, with a particular focus on English-speaking countries. We firmly believe that the complimentary backgrounds of both French and English speakers represent a business opportunity for our participants and a chance for them to hone their leadership skills,” explains Nicolas Péjout, Director of Sciences Po Executive Education.
“LeAD Campus is a unique programme that connects Europe with Africa in a completely new way. The multi-city format, mentorship system and project guidance we receive are tailored to the current challenges involved in developing African managers’ skills and leadership,” says Djiby Diagne, a graduate of in the first LeAD Campus course in 2016.
“Each participant arrives with a project and receives an extensive feedback at key moments in the process. We rely on our teaching staff in that regard, but we have also assembled a group of experts. The goal of LeAD Campus and one of its main assets is to put African leaders in contact with each other in the aim of promoting inclusive growth across the continent. This aspect of the programme can bring in new business for many participants seeking to expand their operations abroad, by offering an initial foothold in another country,” adds Isabelle Hoyaux, Academic Director of the LeAD Campus programme.
Taught in both English and French, the programme also enables participants to overcome cultural barriers between English-speaking and French-speaking Africa, in order to target new markets and strengthen their networks across the continent.
Find out more: LeAD Campus (
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Press Relations and Communication Agency
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T: + 33 (0)6 65 22 07 33
Sciences Po Paris
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T: +33 (0)1 45 49 63 46
Candidate contact
Sciences Po Executive Education
Gloria Bâ
Head of Programme
Tel: + 33 (0)1 45 49 63 02
About LeAD Campus:
The LeAD Campus ( – Global Leaders for Africa’s Development programme is designed to identify and develop skills and provide a forum for Africa’s economic elites to meet one another. The goal is to foster the emergence of managers who are able to incorporate the tenets of sustainable growth and development into the practices of their companies and organizations. The programme, which is taught in both French and English, focuses on three main subject areas: leadership, business and society. Two African institutions – the Higher Institute of Management in Dakar and Graduate School of Development Policy and Practice at the University of Cape Town – and two French institutions – Sciences Po Paris and the Center for Financial, Economic and Banking Studies (CEFEB) – run the programme, which was established by the AfricaFrance Foundation.
Sciences Po Executive Education