Heritage Bank MD Declares, The Acquisition Of Enterprise Bank Is A Boost To Heritage Bank


Mr. Ifie Sekibo led Heritage Bank, which is the new owner of Enterprise Bank, has declared recently that the acquisition of Enterprise bank is a major boost to Heritage bank and this would also help to further Heritage bank’s vision of wealth creation and transfer. With this declaration from the MD of Heritage bank, it clearly indicates that their vision for growth, wider national spread as well as wealth creation for Nigerians is or was what motived Heritage bank to buy Enterprise bank in the first place.

The visionary leadership of  Mr. Ifie Sekibo, the MD of Heriatage bank is starting to show and also bring rich dividends to the bank..

The managing director of Heritage Bank, Mr. Ifie Sekibo also said, “With the acquisition of Enterprise Bank, we are sure that we are going to get a much bigger organisation that will have the same ethos that Heritage Bank has today, where innovation, transfer of wealth, creation of wealth are our mantra. That is what is going to happen, which means there is going to be a lot of training as one family, not as two organisations.”heritage bank 2

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Sekibo had also recently said that the acquisition of Enterprise Bank, which currently boasts of 165 branches, would increase Heritage Bank’s points of presence from the current 15 Experience Centres to nearly 200 branches spread all over the country.

He stated that the combination of the unwavering spirit of Enterprise Bank together with the uncompromising commitment to innovation and integrity by Heritage Bank would positively impact the Nigerian banking industry in general.

Clear, what all this points to is that Heritage bank is positioning for greater influence, impact in the banking industry and also to be one of the major players in the Nigerian banking industry.