Heritage Bank Introduces Customer Reward Programmes


heritage bankHeritage Bank has introduced two customer reward programmes, MyHeritageReward and HBConcourse, designed to appreciate and encourage customer loyalty.
While MyHeritageReward is a loyalty programme in which customers win mouthwatering prizes as they use the various electronic channels of the banks, the HB Concourse is a meeting room fully furnished with relevant office equipment and designed to afford the small business owner or beginner, who are customers of the bank, space to hold brief business meetings and conclude deals with his own clients at absolutely no cost.
Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the bank, Mr. Ifie Sekibo, said that the two programmes demonstrate, “Heritage Bank’s commitment to supporting customers in wealth creation, preservation and transfer across generations.”

These programmes, he noted, are some of the innovative ways through which we can show appreciation to our customers for being part of our success story.” For MyHeritageReward, customers are required to sign up online on the platform, www.myheritagereward.com, using their mobile phone numbers, which enable the creation of a customer profile with a pass-worded access. From this point on, the customer earns points which enable him to graduate from class to class while winning commensurate prizes as he actively uses the bank’s POS, internet and mobile banking, ATMs and cards among other eBanking products.
The uniqueness of the MyHeritageReward is in the ability to view milestone progress made by customer like, bank transaction channels, membership class, milestone boosters and cashbacks as well as an inquiry service that gives the customer access to point balance, ranking, rebate purse in addition to entertaining games and contests like Goldfinger and Brain Quest among others.
The prizes to be won range from airtime across all networks, smart phones, business, shopping vouchers, generators, inverters to a brand new vehicle.
Apart from saving cost for the newcomer in business and SMEs, the HB Concourse also provides convenience for clients travelling out-of-State for business to naturally conduct their meetings or appointments without worrying about office space among others.
To use these meeting rooms such customers of the bank will have to go through asimple booking process online, which are mere formalities to avoid clashes of meeting times with fellow customers who also want to use the same facilities.
These concourses are currently available in five key locations in Abuja, Lagos, Ibadan and Port Harcourt. Each concourse is furnished with office chairs, conference table, airconditioning, projector, flat screen TV, telephone, internet/Wi-Fi and crockery for tea/coffee.vanguard.