Hard Times Hit Enterprise Bank, As The Bank Sacks Over 200 Staff Unceremoniously


Enterprise bank recently acquired by Heritage bank no doubt isn’t finding things easy at all as information reaching us reveal that the bank has recently dropped over 200 of it’s staff without tangible reasons whatsoever.

Information from within the bank suggests that the mass sack was actually carried out from all units of the bank.

As a result of the mass sack, the bank workers claim life have since not been the same for them as they work in real apprehension not knowing when they’d be called by the management to leave their job.

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This fear and apprehension is most visible in some of the bank’s branches in some parts of Lagos, especially in the Lagos Island area.enterprise bank

The Association of Senior Staff of banks, Insurance and financial institutions,  ASSBIFI, also confirm this mass sack, that it was no rumor, but that the mass sack was for real.

Mr. Emma Ilodianya, one of ASSBIFI secretaries declared on the matter,

“The bank’s workers belong to a faction of the ASSBIFI that is affiliated to Trade Union Congress, while our own faction belongs to the Nigeria Labour Congress.

“I can only confirm to you that 250 workers were sacked by the bank, but we are not handling the issue from this end,” Ilodianya said.,

It is also interesting to note that one of the sacked or affected staff of the bank who spoke to the News Agency of Nigeria, on condition of anonymity declared that he was unceremoniously sacked without any real reasons whatsoever.

Others claim they the bank management had demanded that they take a pay cut, and that their refusal to take a reduced salary had cost them their job.

It does appear from these developments that the management of the newly acquired enterprise bank is not finding it easy and it appears to be seen how the bank will eventually settle down for real business.

Earlier, Omega News did a story expressing the fears and concern of stakeholders over the wisdom of Heritage bank in appointing Mary Akpobome as the MD of Enterprise bank due to the related issues of her Bank PHB days. Some have asked if she is the right person to pilot the affairs of the bank. Right now, it appears the skeptics are applying the approach and watching to see how things will go. However, you never say never, the MD, Mary Akpobome just might make a success of her role as MD and put all the doubting Thomases to shame. As the saying goes,” Never say Never”