Fidelity Bank Announces Delay In Releasing 2017 Audited Financial Statement



This is to inform our esteemed shareholders and other stakeholders of the delay by Fidelity Bank Plc to release/publish its annual Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 201 7 by March 31, 2018 as required by extant Rules of The Nigerian Stock Exchange.

The delay in filing the annual Audited Financial Statement for the year ended 31 December 2017 by March 31, 2018 is due to delays in concluding the audit process.

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Consequently, the approval of The Nigerian Stock Exchange has been sought for the delayed release of the Audited Financial Statements.

This Notice hos also been published on the Bank’s website:

We are however hopeful that the Audited Financial Statements will be made available on or before the 30th day of April 2018.