Call by the Registry of the ICC for experts on reparations for victims within the framework of reparations proceedings in the case of The Prosecutor v. Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi


THEunnamed4 HAGUE, Netherlands, November 2, 2016/ — 1. Pursuant to regulation 110(2) of the Regulations of the Registry and rule 97(2) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, the Registry of the International Criminal Court hereby launches a call for experts to assist the Court with reparations at the reparations phase of proceedings in the case of The Prosecutor v. Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, in compliance with the Decision issued by Trial Chamberunnamed4 VIII on 29 September 2016, in which it set a calendar for the reparations phase of proceedings and ordered the Registry of the Court to identify one or more experts with expertise in the matters listed below (ICC-01/12-01/15-172).

2. The Registry notes that the Trial Chamber may appoint competent experts included on the list of experts that the Registry of the Court creates and maintains pursuant to regulation 44 of the Regulations of the Court, at the reparations phase, if their expertise is deemed necessary, to assist it in determining the extent of any damage, loss and injury to or in respect of victims and to suggest various options concerning the appropriate types and modalities of reparations. [1]

3. As part of the reparations phase in the proceedings in the case of The Prosecutor v. Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, the Registry is calling, in particular, for experts with expertise in the following matters:

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(a) the importance of international cultural heritage generally and the harm to the international community caused by its destruction; 

(b) the scope of the damage caused, including monetary value, to the ten mausoleums and mosques at issue in the case; and

(c) the scope of the economic and moral harm suffered, including monetary value, to persons or organisations as a result of the crimes committed.

4. Anyone wishing to be included on the list of experts drawn up by the Registry must therefore meet the following criteria:

  • proven expertise and wide experience in a variety of matters relating to reparations and, in particular, those listed under paragraph 3, above;
  • proven competence in the relevant matter recognised nationally, regionally and/or internationally;
  • ability to act independently and impartially when performing duties;
  • fluency in at least one of the Court’s two working languages (French and English); knowledge of the local languages spoken by the affected communities in this case will be considered an asset;
  • familiarity with the context of the Court’s operations, including an understanding of the affected communities, local and regional dynamics, stakeholders and local programmes or initiatives, will be considered an asset.

All interested experts are requested to send the following documents by 11 November to the Court at:

  1. a detailed curriculum vitae;
  2. a letter of motivation stating area of expertise and wish to be included on the Court’s list of experts; and
  3. all documents showing proof of years of experience in the area of expertise and, where applicable, inclusion on a list of experts.

Persons included on the list of experts of the Registry of the Court shall, if appointedact in their personal capacity. Candidates who occupypositions of responsibility in a government or in governmental organisations will not be included on the list of experts if those responsibilities are likely to place them in a situation of conflict of interest.

[1] Rule 97(2) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

Distributed by APO on behalf of International Criminal Court (ICC).


International Criminal Court (ICC)