Africa Finance & Investment Forum 2017 to take place in Nairobi, Kenya for the first time



image001-6BRUSSELS, Belgium, November 10, 2016/ — This year’s Africa Finance & Investment Forum (AFIF)( will focus on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Growth” and will be held for the first time in the vibrant city ofNairobi, Kenya, hosted by the Strathmore University, taking place from 15th -16th February 2017.

In line with growing regional and international trends, this year’s edition of AFIF will focus on entrepreneurship and innovation and access to finance in key sectors such as energy, water, ICT, health and agriculture.

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Participants will be able to experience a 360° event, which includes an exclusive training for entrepreneurs, a dynamic market place, tailor-made B2B meetings (for all participants, speakers and partners using EMRC matchmaking programme) and the EMRC-Rabobank Entrepreneurship Award ( to celebrate innovation and excellence.

An expected 300 participants will converge in Nairobi, bringing together entrepreneurs, investors, financiers, market specialists, government representatives and policy makers working towards Africa’s growth and development.

At EMRC we believe that SMEs are the key drivers for growth: In developed regions they are responsible for over 50% of GDP and over 60% of employment and economies across Sub Saharan Africa follow a similar model,” explains Inês Bastos, Senior Project Manager at EMRC andheading AFIF 2017. “To encourage SME growth in Africa, AFIF offers an interactive platform for the entrepreneurs making a difference, for the financiers already investing in Africa, as well as for the larger financial institutions and enterprises interested in accessing this growing market segment.”

This belief will be highlighted during the EMRC-Rabobank Entrepreneurship Award (, which will showcase innovative projects happening in Africa and offer investors an opportunity to get to know about solid and growing business from across the continent.

To further encourage strong and active business meetings, that will take place during allocated times and also informally, EMRC will organise a pre-conference training on “A Road-map for Entrepreneurship Growth” (13th -14th February 2017). The training is addressed exclusively to AFIF 2017 participants and will be divided in two linguistic groups (English and French).

The international media will also be present to highlight these projects and to give the opportunity to speakers and partners to gain local, regional and international visibility. TheAfrican Press Organisation will be the forum’s African News Wire, providing extensive coverage and visibility.

Distributed by APO on behalf of EMRC.


For further information concerning the programme, speaking opportunities and partnership, please contact:
Inês Bastos (Sr Project Manager)
Tel: +32. 26 26 15 15

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About EMRC:
Established in 1992 in Brussels, EMRC (’s vision is a growing Africa which is interconnected with the world economy in an inclusive and equitable manner.
We are dedicated to strengthening the private sector, in order to establish a sustainable and vibrant African economy.

About AFIF:
The Africa Finance & Investment Forum (AFIF) ( is an annual business event organized in the framework of EMRC’s activities, aimed at strengthening the private sector in Africa, encouraging entrepreneurship and attracting investment to the African continent. AFIF has a double objective: to strengthen the financial capacities of Africa’s private sector and to promote the creation of new partnerships through the encouragement of joint projects and trade relations North-South & South-South.
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